The Final Push.
Have you felt some extra pressure over the last month? Maybe work got more intense, your relationships felt strained, or your health took a hit? You’re not alone. Across the board there’s been an overall sense of pressure, challenge, or tension, I’ve heard this from many friends and respected sources. I believe this is a purposeful pressure.
For those of you that don’t know we have 4 children (and 2 angel babies walking with the Lord); with every pregnancy I would experience a lot of pain and every time I would hear the voice of God assuring me, “There’s purpose in the pain”. This frustrated me. “Seriously? Is this supposed to make me feel better?” It wasn’t until I actually birthed our first son and went through the process of labor and delivery that I realized the BEAUTIFUL purpose in my pain. Is this a tired metaphor, an over-used illustration?…maybe, but the truth still rings true.
Men, I know you can’t quite relate with that, nor are you expected to. So, you’re studying for a final exam. This exam counts for 50% of your grade and it’s your senior year, you’re one step away from graduation. The pressure is on! You stress, you cram, you study, you make flashcards, you pull all-nighters all for the glory of that blessed diploma or degree. There’s purpose in the pain.
I believe we’re all in a major birthing season and labor has started. The contractions may not always be constant, but they come in waves. For some of us we wonder how much more of this pressure we can take. Why isn’t God stepping in? Why aren’t my circumstances looking the way I thought they would?
My friend, you are in the final stages of what I believe will be one of the greatest transitional seasons of your life.
Trust me. Life doesn’t look the way you thought it would, but I believe the time is upon you for the final push. You can do this. You can break through your barriers, you can push through the pressure. It will be worth it, I promise.
“But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth.”
Exodus 9:16
♥ Kate
Now, go out there and…