Stewarding Your Gifts Well
What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing?
Some of you may be able to immediately list off 10 things in response to that question, while others may be stumped.
“Uhh….me? Well, I guess I don’t know. I haven’t thought about that in a long time.”
The answer to this question is more important than it may seem. It’s not just about having a fun hobby.
The reason it is important to know what we are good at – what God has gifted us with – is so that we can answer the bigger, more essential question of,
👉🏽“what are you doing with what you’ve been given?”
Why does this matter?
Well, let’s take a look at the parable of the talents. Most of us are familiar with this passage from the book of Matthew where a ruler gives 3 men a measure of talents, and we then learn what each of them does with theirs and how the ruler responds.
The first man was given 5 talents and the second was given 2. Both of them traded their talents for a 100% return. The third man was given only 1 talent and buried it out of fear.
Do you remember what happens next?
The ruler asks the men to return to him and tell him what they’ve done with what he had given them. To the men who had doubled their allotment, even more was given.
But, the one who buried his out of fear? He was reprimanded, and even the little he had been given was taken from him and given to the one who had the most.
What can we learn from this?
Yes, this lesson applies to our finances, but this Kingdom principle applies to many other aspects of life as well. There is a lesson here that is imperative we understand.
👉🏽We must USE what we have been entrusted with.
Sow it. Grow it. Invest it!
Here at NEOS we have many resources to help educate you on how to do this with your finances, but we are also passionate about you applying the same Kingdom principles of wealth building to every area of your life.
We want you to experience the abundance of true wealth; and this means knowing how to steward your time, talent, and yes, of course, your treasure.
So, what have you been doing with your gifts and talents?
All of us have been entrusted with some, even if they are not the more “obvious” ones like having rockstar-level guitar skills or being able to paint a breathtaking landscape.
👉🏽What comes easily to you? What are your friends always asking you for your expertise and input on? What do you enjoy doing?
Maybe after giving it some thought you’re still not sure. I’d bet if you ask those closest to you they could tell you. Sometimes these things don’t feel obvious to us, and maybe no one has ever told us. Don’t be afraid to ask!
Do you have awesome organizational skills? Are you a great encourager? Maybe you’re fantastic at gardening or working with your hands. Whatever your giftings are, don’t discredit them just because they might not be what you consider “glamorous.”
Steward what you have. Once you have identified some of your giftings, chose one or two and lean into them. Seek out ways to sow into them and grow.
Love photography? Sign up for a class at a local college, or practice photographing wildlife or taking portraits for your friends!
Do you enjoy baking? Try some new recipes and share what you’ve made with your neighbors!
If you want to be a singer, you don’t wait until someone offers you a record deal to start taking vocal lessons, right? Don’t wait for outside validation to start honing your skills – the time to start is now!
Before you ask, “what’s the point?” (like I used to, and truthfully sometimes still do), remember that small hinges open big doors. Don’t worry about where it may lead. Follow the Kingdom principle of stewardship and trust that if you set yourself in motion He will guide you on your way.
To share a personal example, I have always loved to write. Years ago, a dream was birthed in me to write a book someday, but I had a tendency to disqualify myself before I’d even start anything. When Kate invited me to contribute to this blog I immediately turned down the opportunity, citing some excuse about not having the right “voice.” I had disqualified myself immediately!
How silly is that?
I quickly realized that if I hope to grow into a better writer and eventually author a book, I needed to start actually writing.
Imagine that!
I share all this to encourage you – just start. Don’t think too hard about it, just do something today.
Finally, remember that God gave you your gifts and talents for a reason. The world needs them. The people around you need what He has placed inside of you that only you can express. It’s really not about us at all (what a relief!), it’s about those who need what we have.
Don’t shrink back and make yourself small. Don’t wait until you think you’re “good enough” to start investing in your giftings. Start today by doing what you can with what you have.
👉🏽Remember, he who is faithful in little will be trusted with much (Matt 14:21)
I believe in you, friend. You were created for greatness!
In his book, “Understanding the Matthew Effect”, Mark Wilburn discusses the stewardship of the minas even further. As a gift to you, we want to gift you with the first chapter!
About the author…
Kristen Cannatello is a true artist. She wields her pen like a magic wand 🪄 as she turns words into works of art. She is a deep well of revelation and wisdom, and gently challenges those around her to rise up to higher ways of thinking.
Wife in love, mom of 3 boys, part-time VA, freelance writer, fitness & nutrition enthusiast, and lover of God, Kristen is one of NEOS’s treasured contributors. We are exceedingly blessed to have her with us!