Being a trading spouse.
Some days I just want to throw his computer on the floor ; other days I want to grab my old pom poms and yell, “Go, baby, go!”
; but every day, regardless of the day’s emotions, I want to be there for him. See, as the spouse of a trader, we move with the market too. When my husband is profitable I rejoice with him! When he takes losses I grieve with him. To journey with a trader means to experience their highs and lows; when the market dips they dip (“and when you dip, I dip, we dip…”
); when the market rallies they rally. What’s important to remember in the dance of a trader is to experience their wins/losses with them, but always be their “support” and their “resistance” (a little trade lingo). As their support, we can’t let them get down on themselves too low, we encourage them and remind them of what an incredible job they’re doing. As their resistance, we keep their egos out of the clouds when they’ve been on a winning streak, this helps them stay safe and within the boundaries of their own “rules”.
Is it easy? Nah. Sometimes am I burnt out on hearing about this spread and that Iron Condor? Absolutely. But he loves it…so I choose to love it too. My husband has all the skills, he doesn’t need my help with the mechanics, but the state of his mind and his soul are directly connected to me, I can make or break his trading career. Knowing this, despite my personal disinterest in trading, I make a point to make sure he knows how intelligent and talented he is…and who knows? Maybe on the next big rally I’ll get a Louis Vuitton ; ).
Signed, a trader’s wife.