We Are NEOS.

We are NEOS, a stock and options trading education company.

Neos is Greek for "new" or "renovated". Basic financial principles have been around since B.C; we aren't trying to reinvent the wheel here, we're just making it better.

Through enterprising education and renewing mindsets, we're reprogramming an old-school system and about-facing current financial paradigms. Where other trading education programs focus solely on "getting rich quick", we focus on creating generational wealth. What legacy will you leave? .

Whether you have never traded, or are more advanced looking to gain a better edge, we have various product offerings tailored to your current experience level.

We do not manage your money, we teach YOU how to do it.

We Trade On A Different Floor.

Creating wealth transcends the bank account, it can be an enlightening experience; this is what gives life to our motto "we trade on a different floor".

At Neos, we believe that “trading on a different floor” has a multi-dimensional meaning. The most obvious one being at the actual New York Stock Exchange- representing the physical location where trades take place. We also believe that there are more spiritual trading floors. A floor, in this sense, can be as simple as WHERE you sow/give/trade your resources; or more ethereal in nature. As you elevate yourself and your legacy with NEOS education, our hope is that your experience with us benefits every facet of life.

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What We Offer

After spending years teaching other people trading fundamentals, options, spreads, and other advanced strategies in the corporate arena, we decided to create our own specialized curriculum. We have distilled the basics into compact seminars to help you maximize your skills and achieve your trading goals all within customized and specific programs.

Our team of experts brings their years of experience to the table when discussing different trading concepts, strategies, and analysis found in our courses, each designed to improve your skill level. Our goal is to have a customizable roadmap for you based on your personality, trading journey, and objectives!