At NEOS, we understand that setting up a new trading platform can be tough, so we have shared our ThinkorSwim platform with you!

Below are links to set up your ThinkorSwim “charts” to look like the ones we use on our webinars and in our live trading rooms. To import these files, you can watch our how-to import files on ThinkorSwim.

For those of you not using TOS, we have attached the CSV Files you can download and import into your favorite charting platform. 


ThinkorSwim Templates & Watchlists

Futures, Indices, & Sectors Watchlist ToS Weblink

Futures, Indices, & Sectors Watchlist CSV File

Inverse ETF Watchlist ToS weblink

Inverse ETF Watchlist ToS CSV File

Mark’s Big Watchlist for ToS weblink

Mark’s Big Watchlist for ToS CSV File